07775 624724


Pitch Perfect: Deliver a Memorable Networking Pitch with Ease

When: 9th November 2022

Become an effective networker; improve connections, create a memorable “pitch”, raise your visibility and gain more business from networking. Being a confident and effective networker sets you apart from the crowd – yet 99% of people dread this essential activity! Overcome fears and concerns, become more visible and create more business opportunities than the average person in this one day highly participative workshop.

Places limited to ensure you get the most out of the day; if you know this will benefit you BOOK NOW


Preventing Workplace Discrimination

Employment law is being updated to better reflect the modern workplace. It is now widely recognised that when all employees are treated with respect and

Get More for your Training Budget

We know that ongoing learning and development opportunities are essential for business success. However, there are also budgets to balance and this means that investment